How to Keep Your Exhaust Hood Clean
Here at Exhaust Hood Depot, we offer great prices on quality products, but we know that the last thing that any restaurant owner wants to do is to have to replace their commercial hood prematurely. Commercial exhaust hoods can be pricey, and you rely on yours each and every day. One of the best ways to keep your restaurant range hood working properly for years is to keep it clean! This may seem like an insurmountable task, but luckily, we are here to help! The following is your guide to keeping your restaurant kitchen hood clean:
Clean your exhaust hood every night- Make cleaning your exhaust hood a key part of your nightly cleanup. This will keep your filters from clogging, your exhaust fan working properly, and your restaurant hood looking shiny and new!
Soak your filters overnight- Cleaning your filters doesn’t have to be a big project, and it doesn’t even take all that much elbow grease. Just fill up your sink with hot water and a bit of dish detergent (Dawn works well), stand your filters in the sink on the end where the fins are located, and let them soak overnight. In the morning, all you have to do is rinse off your filters with clean water and replace them in your exhaust hood!
Wipe down your hood- Wiping down your hood every evening will go a long way to keeping the grease at bay. A buildup of a grease not only looks terrible, but it leaves you at risk for a fire!